Tuesday, September 29, 2009

zana semangat!!!

Salam dari Hati ke Hati

be strong and don't give up

Remember… there is a deeper strength and amazing abundance of peace available to you.

Draw from this well; call on your faith to uphold you.

Life continues around us, even when our troubles seem to stop time.

There is always good in life.

Take a few minutes to distract yourself from your concerns–long enough to draw strength from a tree or to find pleasure in a bird’s song.

Return a smile; realize that life is a series of levels, cycles of ups and downs — some easy, some challenging.

Through it all, we learn; we grow strong in faith; we mature in understanding.

The difficult times are often the best teachers, and there is good to be found in all situations.

Reach for the good.

Be strong, and don’t give up.

~Pamela Owens Renfro~

seriously aku down for my 25th birthday semalam..

macam2 benda xbest berlaku..

aku sangat sedih...

tapi tetiba aku terbaca satu bookmark ni

seriously it inspired me...

tapi biasela kesedihan mmg susah nk dibendung...

tapi hati aku harus kuat..

perlu kuat hadapi segala rintangan

IkanThink: Happy Fucking 25th years old zana!!!!

1 comment:

  1. happy belated birthday cik zana..semoga kita semakin kuat menempuh hari2 mendatang..aminn...=)
